Mar 2, 2012

Best Careers for the Introverted Extrovert


Introverted extroverts are evolved extroverts. They've developed some of the characteristics of introverts, particularly socially. They're not true extroverts, because their style is quite different. Sharing a mix of the characteristics of two potentially very complex types makes IEs pretty complicated.

A rare few, those who were actually introverts but became semi-extroverts through their work, remain introverts, but have developed a range of social abilities. Introverts don't change drastically, but this form of the IE is what happens when they do. Their confidence has also developed enough for some selective extroversion.

IEs tend to be older, usually developing in early middle age or late adolescence. Experience has often dealt them some difficult cards, and frequently they've become a lot more advanced than people of their own age.

The extroverted part of the IE is the truly experienced campaigner. There will have been many situations, many lessons learned, and the IE tends to be a good student. The studious side, particularly the practical learning, interestingly, is the promoter of the introversions which transform the extrovert into an IE.

IEs are intelligent, and they recognize good working methods of doing things. Introverts have a lot of learning skills and habits which make them brilliant students, and the IE has no difficulty adopting them. They may also have introvert friends whose sheer ability has taught them how to use these skills. Their evolution is perfectly natural, and the result is a really effective hybrid.

The single accurate description of IEs is Low Key. IEs are the exact opposite of Extroverted Introverts in the sense that there are little or no theatrics. The IE doesn't bother to put on an act, because they assume others can see through acts as easily as they can. Their former extroversion remains functional as social judges, and in fact it's a major asset.

IEs have a huge advantage over other types. They're genuinely sensitive, like real introverts, but they have the social instincts of extroverts as well. As professionals in a career environment, this is usually a very good combination of abilities. They can see the raw nerves, and they know how to deal with them so no damage is done.
IEs are normally people who were good students, and became good professionals. As they mature, they improve their skills in doing business in their career environment. The days as a younger extrovert have given them some real toughness, but they've also evolved a lot of ability to empathize.

They don't tread on toes or try to belittle people. They can still be real extroverts when they feel like it, or when provoked, but that's not often. Usually they've completely outgrown it. If they suddenly become full powered extroverts, it generally means they're either annoyed, or enthusing like kids about something.

The ability to empathize is perhaps unique. IEs could make a career out of it. They're excellent negotiators and mediators. They know what's reasonable and what's not. They don't usually even need to ask what's acceptable to another party in a business deal.
This is partly professional skill, because they're always competent. However, it's also real understanding. Most IEs have had enough real life experience to be able to see the problems on a personal level as well as the purely professional. They know why something's a problem for a particular individual.

In the career environment, IEs are often hired as fixers as much as for their ability to make a good fit as for their work. Their mix of abilities means they're not too easily ruffled by any group of people, even the sometimes impossible EIs and the pure introverts, some of whom need a code book to be understood.

They're an indispensable asset to extroverts. The IE will be able to talk to the extrovert in the same language, with a perfectly genuine understanding of how the extrovert works. The IE also makes a very good sounding board for both the extrovert's and the introvert's endless streams of ideas. Both these types need people who can argue at their level, who have opinions and ideas of their own.

If that sounds like IEs have to be pretty good themselves to deal with very demanding people, that's exactly what it means. IEs are often leaders, CEOs, or managers, and they're extremely good in those positions because of their character. They can handle some of the most fiercely independent members of the other types, for that reason. They know why the introvert is frustrated, why the extrovert's chewing holes in the ceiling, and why the Extroverted Introvert is threatening suicide.

IEs know how to work with other people, and that fact is universally appreciated by everyone they work with. The IE is the one the warring tribes will bring in to make sense of the situation, when they've completely lost track of it. The IE will also be brought along to any business meeting, because of their ability to read the situation. It may not even be a conscious decision, but everyone will feel better if the highly experienced and knowledgeable IE is watching the store.

Another lesson IEs could teach the human race as a whole is that they never conflict with each other to the point where any damage is done. It simply would not cross the mind of an IE to even raise their voice, when disagreeing with another IE. Their disputes are more like games of chess, where the better thinking will win.

IEs will acknowledge good ideas, too, which is another invaluable career skill, sometimes totally lacking in some people. They will, invariably, promote talent. They never feel threatened by the skills of others. They're mentally much better adjusted to career issues than many others.

IEs can be highly competitive, but it's only in relation to things they care about. They're not competitive on principle, like extroverts, or despite themselves, like introverts. They'll do a good competitive interview for the job they've always wanted, because it really will be the job they've always wanted. IEs keep an eye on their career track, and being at heart realists, they will try to better their position. They are goal oriented, but most people don't notice that.

In career environments, their approach is good, because they don't get discouraged. It's part of their evolved state that they've acquired some of the sheer determination of introverts. To an introvert, nothing is impossible, just irritating. To the IE, nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of time.

Like extroverts, IEs create their environment to a large degree, but they do it cooperatively. Even as managers, in full control of environments, they remain low key, and don't become oppressive about their control.

Actually one difficulty in analyzing IEs is that they can be so low key they look like the janitor, not the boss. They're often underestimated because of their way of doing things.
Underestimating IEs is a real mistake. They can be seen as being too nice, too accommodating, too helpful. These perfectly natural traits are usually mistaken for weaknesses, which is entirely wrong. It doesn't bother the IE much if people don't know how to read them, but it gets on the nerves of the IE's friends. IEs have a lot of real friends, which they accumulate largely because of their habitual empathy and frequent fixing of other's problems. So those mistaking the IE for a doormat will soon find themselves on the receiving end from the IE's pure extrovert and pure introvert friends. Every once in a while the IE has to save their detractors from their friends.

The IE isn't a good person to try to pick on, when on their own, either. In some instances the IE, if required to fight, can become a very well organized mixture of the pure introvert and the pure extrovert. It's a hideously effective mix. At career level, the IE is a very strong professional. They can always stand on their own two feet. They're usually well connected, always respected, and have the career kudos to prove their abilities. 

Fortunately for their opponents, IEs aren't as nasty as the other types, unless someone's been fool enough to really push their buttons. It's no contest, either way. The IE will win.
IEs are never conspicuous or flashy and never play pecking order games. If they do, it's more likely to be as a joke against themselves among friends, not to be taken seriously. They don't need to show off, they know better, and they don't like it when others do, because they see it as a risk. They will make a point of not letting their friends of the other three types set themselves up for a fall like that either, on principle. IE's social skills are very reliable, and their advice is taken because their friends trust their judgment. They're good at keeping their friends safe.

Trust is another part of the large inventory of healthy career skills the IE works with on a regular basis. IEs can be trusted with sensitive information, and can be relied upon to keep their mouths firmly but tactfully shut. The IE, unlike many others, doesn't need to be told when to clam up on a subject, or why it needs doing. They will remain silent on basic principles. They're naturally suited to sensitive situations, where their trustworthiness is a relief to others.

IEs are not suited to the roles of extroverts. They can do the work, and are often as good as the pure extroverts, but they're rarely happy in the social hurricane environment in which the extroverts thrive. They simply don't like it. Trying to remake them into extroverts is like trying to make them into 5 year olds again. They've moved on, and it represents a step backwards.

For the introverted IE form, that environment is poison. They hate it, they're allergic to it, they loathe it, and despite their extroversion skills, and even if they can do the work, they'll already be on the way out the door.

They're also impossible to keep in any environment they dislike. To be strictly fair, they will work in uncomfortable situations when they know the work needs to be done, or to help out. However, if they find themselves in a position where they're expected to be extroverts, and are assessed in comparison with extroverts, they will consider themselves to be misinterpreted.
That means in IE language that an error of judgment has been made, and IEs don't have much faith in people who can't read other people. Because empathy and good character judgment are such basic parts of an IE's nature, misinterpretation equates to incompetence. It's a real faux pas just to make such a basic error of judgment, let alone expect the IE to live with it.

The IE can get another job in about 5 seconds. Unlike introverts, they're instantly recognizable for their skills. Managers should also note that losing the real social mechanics of their organization is not a good idea. IEs contribute a lot to their career environment, on all levels. Their mere presence will generate a bit of positive receptivity, even from office politicians, let alone the other three types. The IE's competence gives them authority in any social group, even when they're not managers, or even particularly well known.

Lack of recognition will annoy an IE. They know much better than almost anyone else, through their early years as extroverts, what a stop-start career means. They've done it before, and won't gladly tolerate any repeat performances. They'll vanish, overnight, and the gap they leave will horrify others in the workplace.

Unlike some, IEs don't need applause, but they do need to know that they're properly understood and that their work in particular is properly understood. This is particularly important among professional IEs whose judgment will tell them they're wasting their time in that job if their efforts are routinely disregarded.

IEs are highly motivated people, although you'd never guess it to speak to them, unless you're on a favorite topic. They do have ambitions, they're just not as neurotic about them as others. The motivation is usually shown by what jobs they go for, and the sort of studies and qualifications they do almost as permanent parts of their lives.

IEs share with introverts the ability to specialize, sometimes to extreme levels. Their extroverted components make them good explorers, and if you were to pick a group of people to land on another planet, the group of most qualified and enthusiastic explorers, apart from the extroverts, would be comprised of at least half IEs.

The IE is a truly brilliant team member. This is the best use of any IE, the one where they're naturally at their most effective. It's the career environment they prefer. They have their friends with them, and although they have a lot of introverted characteristics, they're not natural loners. Team environments, as long as they're real teams, are perfect for IEs to work on all levels. If the IE is in a position to use their talents without restriction, the extroverted component is also happy.

There's one further thing which needs mentioning. The IE, unlike anyone else, is never unreasonable. That's also an utterly non-negotiable part of their makeup. In a career situation, anything unreasonable is simply not acceptable. They will never be able to trust that situation, or the people involved. They'll know what will happen long before it happens. Their ability to empathize will be disgusted. They don't appreciate being able to virtually taste irrationality, greed, or plain stupidity. They won't tolerate it.
It's a good example of how truly competent IEs are. If you see an IE heading for the exit as a career move, you'd probably be best advised to follow.

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