Nov 22, 2011

Simple Tips to Get Healthy/Fit or Loose Weight

I do not always take time to dedicate to my health. I am sure many of you can relate to that statement. However, the truth is, that our health – mentally as well as physically is something that we should put first no matter how busy we are. The key in doing so is incorporating healthy habits every day and into your routine. It does not involve complicated diets or exercise plans. You don’t even need to get a gym membership, which is certainly something I cannot afford since I am not working, and even if I was, I am not sure if I would fully take advantage of. So, here I will give you some simple tips that have made me loose a few extra pounds, not because I was trying to get skinny because I am fairly thin, but purely because I wanted to be heathly. Just because you are thin does not mean your are healthy, and just because you are a little more than the arbitrary weight charts say does not mean that you are not!

1. Change Your Goal
I have to emphasize that you must start this with a positive attitude. That begins with seeing the beauty in yourself, no matter what your size or what the media portrays. Let your goal be solely to get healthy, not to be a certain weight or fit into a certain size or to look like a certain celebrity.

2. Filter your Vision
Restrict all attention to media that makes you self conscious. This means limit looking at fashion magazines to one day only a week when you are feeling positive or eliminating them completely if you feel they don’t really interest you (i.e. you only pick them up because they are around). Also, limit your television viewing to shows that actually have substance, make you laugh, or intrigue you, not shows with people who make you feel bad about yourself (i.e. the Hills, Extra, etc.)

3) Have a Reasonable Goal
As I said before, stop looking at those silly weight charts. They are quite arbitrary. Your weight does not depend on your height alone, but your bone structure, and your bone density. Instead choose a goal such as, eating 20% less carbs/protein/fat/etc. (whatever you feel you need to have a balanced diet), exercising a total of 2 hours a week, having less than 26% body fat, to be healthy enough to engage in activities with your friends, etc.

4) Filter your Refrigerator & Pantry
I cannot emphasize how important this is. I used to feel bad to throw food out because I thought of all the starving children and people right here in the U.S. and the world. This led me to consuming such insane amounts of sugar that I got hives. Yes, hives from sugar, not to mention regular pimples. If you have a lot of unopened junk food and snacks in your pantry, donate them to a homeless organization, soup kitchen or a homeless person you often see (if you give them canned goods, please give them can opener because they don’t have one). For opened items, if they are safe, feed them to birds or pets. Don’t feed animals things that are not healthy for them, though. Some things you will have to throw out, but remember that you are not helping the world by being unhealthy to your own self. You must take care of yourself first because you can effectively help others.

Of course, don’t purchase these unhealthy items and restock your pantry. Defeats the purpose, eh? Purchase healthy snacks, like fresh fruits or even dried fruits, as long as they have less than 10% added sugar content. For salty, savory snacks, purchase whole grains, or other healthy snack. Eat nuts also. I am allergic, so I cannot do so. I have drawn a liking to dried anchovies, and my husband likes dried squid. We are weird, I know. lol. For these snacks, make sure there are very little preservatives. I want to learn to dry my own.

5) Cook More or Eat Natural When Out
You don’t have to be a good cook. In fact, I find it easier to cook simple, quick  meals because if they are complicated, I am tempted to grab something outside. Reserve complicated meals for weekends and special ocassions. Only buy fresh foods to cook. Chop them up or peel them and freeze them in portion sizes on weekends or days you have a lot of time. This way they retain their nutritional content, and you will not make the excuse that you don’t have time to prepare food or purchase. Cooking at home helps you to appreciate natural foods, and I find a joy in cutting my own vegetables and such. To make your life easier, cook a few times a week, so it is not so time consuming.

If you don’t have time to cook, when you purchase take out, order as natural foods as possible. Avoid fried goods, foods with too much oil, fast food, too much meat or excessive simple carbohydrates (sugar).

6. Exercise Daily in Short Increments
Odds are you are not going to find time for the large interval, and may even dread it when you do find time. Studies show that shorter increments are better anyway. So, walk 15 minutes to/from the subway (30 mins total). Get off an earlier train stop if you have to. If you drive to work, park the car, don’t go in the house and leave your stuff in the trunk, and walk 20 mins. You will feel energized or at least more positive when you enter the house. It will also give your mind time to clear before you do your evening chores. You will be more positive, and more happy to great your spouse and children, instead of wishing they would leave you alone. Which leads me to the last item below. I want to add, if you are a housewife, try to take the long way to the grocery store, or leave your yoga mat or exercise ball out, and hit it early in the morning before your mind finds other things to distract you with.

7. Find 10 minutes each day to be alone
You don’t need to be like Yogis, Zen monks or minister and meditate/pray for hours each day. Just take a few minutes to just relax and not think, and just feel your body and hear the sounds around you. Don’t say words in your mind. If you like to pray in your faith, take a few minutes to clear your mind before you pray. Your prayer will be deeper and more meaningful. Your 10 minutes can be in Lotus position like Eastern traditions do, during a yoga or exercise session or even in your morning walk. Just clear your mind of thoughts of the future, the past, of expectations or obligations.

This helps you really center yourself and will help your health because it will relax you. A lot of our bad habits are due to stress. As you pause your mind and listen to your body more, you will become centered and want to be nicer to your body.

I hope these tips were helpful to you. I will post again on this topic in the future.Your comments are greatly appreciated. Good luck on your path to better mental and physical health.

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