Nov 18, 2011

A Simpler Life Begins with just One Step

One small change can inspired other lifestyle changes.

I have tried going without makeup many times in the past, but never got into it as a consistent lifestyle. I am finally getting into into a habit now after 3 weeks. Other times went back to makeup when I used it for a night out or something of the like. This time being consistent has been the keep to the habit. I made it a rule to myself to only wear a little when I am going to a special outing or occasion. I have gone three weeks without makeup now, and the only thing I wore once to go to a museum outing was mascara and lipgloss. When I am going around the neighborhood or to school or the like, I just wear clear lipgloss to moisterize my dry lips (I’m in NY and it is still a little chilly). Before, I did not wear that much makeup (eyeliner and foundation), but sometimes I would try different colors and such in the morning, so it was time consuming. Now once in a while, I may put on some mascara OR eyeliner, but I am definitely limiting myself to one makeup product. I don't want to hide behind makeup. If I am running late, I don't wear any because I feel comfortable to just be without it. It feels really freeing to do this because I rarely left the house without either eyeliner or mascara since I was 14! Now it is not a requirement, but an extra.

It has been really great without it because it has filtered into other areas of my life. I realize that I don’t waste 5-10 mins on makeup now. That made me not want to waste time on choosing my clothes now also. I used to change my outfit 3 times before I headed out. Now I wake up and choose my clothes solely on the weather, and usually chose the first outfit. (I have filtered out my clothes by only keeping styles and colors I actually wear – check my decluttering my closet entry for more details.) It has become a whole lifestyle change as I am also in the process of decluttering everything in my home. Sometimes it takes one small lifestyle change to inspire you.

Now it takes literally 5 minutes to get ready in the morning, and this includes brushing my teeth! (I shower the night before.) I am not usually a morning person, so getting ready so quickly really makes the morning less tedious. I also have made it more of a point to hang out with friends who are not superficial and into image because as humans we are influenced by our environment and those in it. I am not saying to completely ditch friends who care about image, especially if you have known them a while. However, while you are in any lifestyle change, it helps to surround yourself with people who foster that change. Please try this for a month. I guarantee you will not regret it.

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